
Sprint Paddler


"Warp LCS 70 Racing Paddle"

Image of "Warp LCS 70 Racing Paddle"
Coming soon

The Warp, the development of the Nordic, is the newest creation of the racing paddles. This revolutionary paddle was developed by Martin Heidrich, an engineer of shipbuilding, and Lutz Liwowski, the multiple world champion. The absolute power paddle for the racing sport. We essentially improved the power forward and isolated the negative characters of stream. The paddle is really suitable for competition paddling. It has a winding and deep profile. It is soft to plant and has a really good power forward due to an improved buoyancy. It is an excellent regatta paddle.

Large 580/160 31,5x29 940 Racingsport Men
Medium 575/153 31,5x29 780 Racingsport Men, Ladies
Small 570/147 31,5x29 770 Racingsport Ladies, Juniors, Youth